– The possibility of programming in the software environment for the analysis of macroeconomic systems – different tests to accurately estimate and check for errors, Solidarity, structural failure, etc. – capable of exchanging data with other applications under Windows – estimates of the economic model with the VAR and VECM – use of matrices and functions available within the app Of course, the algorithm and program written for the MLE method are not fully functional and have errors in the estimation of nonlinear models. – Estimation of economic models by methods MLE, Probit, Logit, 3SLS, 2SLS, TSLS, OLS, GLS.
Key features of EViews software: – Calculating time series and creating them – Linear and nonlinear estimates of simple equation system and concurrent equation system – Drawing circular and bar graph and spatial distribution graphs and other functional charts – Creating databases The EViews software was first launched in 1994 and aims to conduct econometric analysis and statistical analysis of economic data. The root of EViews is actually the two words Econometric Views, which combines these two words with the name of this software. Eviews allows the user to assess econometric results easily.Download EViews v10.0 – Estimation of systems and economic models, especially for students and professors in economics.ĮViews is a specialized software specializing in the application of econometric methods, especially its new methods. The initial version of the software was launched by the World Bank in 1994 to carry out econometric analysis, and various versions have been available since then. From the viewpoint of many econometric researchers, the easy use of VAR (unlimited and structural) and ARIMA models is one of the advantages of this software over other similar software. It is clear, however, that if economic researchers are to seriously engage in economic research, it is essential to familiarize themselves with the development of new econometric techniques with high-end software such as EViews. Multiple unit root tests are available in the research software, including Dickey–Fuller, Phillips–Perron, Kwiatkowski–Phillips–Schmidt–Shin and Elliott, Rothenberg and Stock Point-Optimal tests.ĮViews helps researchers and professionals to estimate linear equations and systems of linear equations models of time series and panel data with various methods. EViews file formats can be partially opened by gretl.ĮViews helps researchers detect unit roots in their data series. However, for input and output it supports numerous formats, including databank format, Excel formats, PSPP/ SPSS, DAP/ SAS, Stata, RATS, and TSP. The Enterprise edition of EViews allows access to 3rd party time series data from multiple providers including: Thomson Reuters Datastream, Moody's, Macrobond Financial, Haver Analytics, and CEIC.ĮViews relies heavily on a proprietary and undocumented file format for data storage. This is combined with a programming language which displays limited object orientation.
EViews can be used for general statistical analysis and econometric analyses, such as cross-section and panel data analysis and time series estimation and forecasting.ĮViews combines spreadsheet and relational database technology with the traditional tasks found in statistical software, and uses a Windows GUI.