Blazkowicz is on the brink of death after killing General Wilhelm “Deathshead” Strasse and destroying his compound, dealing a significant blow to the global Nazi regime. The New Colossus opens where The New Order closed. He constantly worries about Anya and his unborn children, and what will happen in the resistance after he’s gone." is dying, and his mortality is front and center in The New Colossus. MachineGames did not envision the current political climate when they made Wolfenstein II, but it’s here, MachineGames does not shy away from it. The fact that people are upset about a game that is about removing said Nazis from American soil and have accused Bethesda of using the game to make a political statement is terrifying. In 2017, with Nazis marching in the streets both in the United States and around the world, a game in which the Nazis won World War II, have conquered the United States, and are marching in the streets, is unnerving. In 2014, killing Nazis was about as bland as video games got. Like it or not, it is impossible to judge a work of art without taking into account the time period in which it was created. Now, you might ask, why I am bringing up the fact that the Nazis were evil in a review for a video game? They fought against, and defeated, the greatest organized evil the modern world has ever known. It’s why we call the Greatest Generation the Greatest Generation.

The Nazis were evil, and the world went to war to stop them. None of those statements should be controversial. Their horrific ideology needs to be opposed wherever and whenever it rears its ugly head, and they do not deserve mercy, pity, sympathy, or the benefit of the doubt. They orchestrated the remorseless murder of more than 6 million Jews, advocated for racial cleansing, and plotted to take over the entire world. Let’s not beat around the bush: Nazis, actual, goose-stepping, Hitler-heiling, head-shaving, Swastika-flying white supremacists, are a stain on the fabric of the human tapestry.

Monsters were monsters, zombies were already dead, and Nazis were, well, Nazis. In 2014, that was a fairly bland statement to make.

When Wolfenstein: The New Order released, I wrote that there were three things that video games would never make you able to feel bad about killing: monsters, zombies, and Nazis.